Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital
News and Events
All the BDS students reported to the college as per the KEA allotment in 2024 are hereby informed that the commencement of the BDS classes with the Orientation program will be held on 04th November 2024. Students are advised to report to the college along with their parents/guardians for the Orientation program. After the orientation program, the classes will be commenced regularly.
Students admitted to the College Hostel can report to the Hostel with the Hostel fee receipt either on 03rd November or soon after the orientation programe and the commencement date, i.e from 04th November 2024.
Last Opportunity for Admission to BDS in 2024:
The stray vacancy round is being held by KEA for the BDS admission this year. Students seeking admission to the BDS course shall get the allotment only through Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA).
Candidates who have not got allotment for the BDS course in the previous rounds can now participate in this stray vacancy round on the KEA web portal up to 04.11.2024 to seek admission in the vacant seats for the year 2024.
The last date for admission to BDS course is on 05.11.2024 for this year.
Please visit KEA website for updates and more details.
For details about our dental college, please visit:
MDS Admissions for the year 2024 are closed.
Candidates are requested to check for the latest admission updates on KEA website.
To expand the horizons of maxillofacial residents by laying a foundation in trichology and facial aesthetics, a masterclass programme was conducted under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Akshay Shetty, Head of the Department, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Dr. Prapanna Arya, Maxillofacial surgeon, Board certified aesthetician, Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, renowned speaker and practitioner was the keynote speaker for the session held on 13th March, Wednesday, 2024 at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences And Hospital.
The programme was organised meticulously and hosted by Dr. Hemavathi U, Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The audience comprised of post-graduate students and faculty from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
The masterclass began with an introductory speech delivered by Dr. Hemavathi followed by sessions on Trichology, facial aesthetics and rejuvenation by Dr. Prapanna Arya. He also addressed the administrative, business management and marketing aspects for a burgeoning facial aesthetic practice.
The programme was concluded with an interactive discussion on medical information, hair loss therapy practical knowledge and guidance followed by felicitation of Dr. Prapanna Arya by Dr. Akshay Shetty and vote of thanks by Dr. Hemavathi.
Topic: NANOROBOTICS in Dentistry
Speaker : Dr. Shanmukh Srinivas, MDS , Endodontist, Co-Founder @ Director of Theranautilus (I.I.S.C- Bangalore)
Venue: Auditorium - Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Bangalore | On Aug 04, 2022.
Congratulations to Dr. Bharathi S for securing 1st Prize for poster presentation on " UNRAVELLING THE FACTS ABOUT LITHIUM DISILICATE AND ZIRCONIA "conducted during "5th ACDI CONFERENCE( Virtual)" held on 24th -26th January 2021, Chennai, India.
Dr Sikhar Aich (448/600) and Dr Kumari Ratna (446/600) , Postgraduate students of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery have secured fifth and sixth ranks respectively in the 2020 MDS examination of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Congratulations to DR.PRIYADARSHINI L NAIK first year post graduate of DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY AND ENDODONTICS for securing the First prize in debate on topic ‘RCT vs Implants’ at 20th PG National Convention held in Chandigarh on 7th to 10th of march 2019
Congratulations to DR.PRIYADARSHINI L NAIK first year post graduate of DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY AND ENDODONTICS on winning the best poster for the topic “COLD TEST: HIGHLY VALUED BUT INAPPROPRIATELY USED” at the 1st IACDE (Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics) South Zonal Conference held in Chennai on 10th and 11th of august 2018.
Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Bangalore is organising a Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Programme with the approval of Karnataka State Dental Council on 22nd February 2019
A KSDC accredited CDE programme titled “Symposium on TMJ disorders” is organized by the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery on 21ST August 2019. It is a specialities’ focussed symposium involving departments of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Prosthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. A Preconference course titled “Virtual Surgical Planning and 3 D printing in oral and maxillofacial surgery” will be organized by the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery on 13th November 2019.It is part of the 44th annual conference of AOMSI(Association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons of india) being held in Bangalore from 14th to 16th November 2019.The preconference courses are being held across the city’s medical colleges, dental colleges and hospitals.
Dr. Akansha Singh (438/600) and Dr. Praveen Kumar (433/600), Postgraduate students of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery have secured sixth and eighth ranks respectively in the 2018 MDS exams of Rajiv Gandhi Univervarity of Health Sciences.
A two day CDE (continuing dental education programme) will be held on 13-11-2018 and 14-11-2018 on the theme “NEW FRONTIERS IN MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY” The programme is KSDC accredited carrying 12 points....
r. Saurabh Kale and Dr. Archana T S, postgraduate students of Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery have secured fifth and sixth ranks respectively in the MDS exams of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences held in August 2017.
The Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry organized a Dental Health Screening Camp for children from Li’L Butterflies School, Kanakanagar, R.T. Nagar 560032, in the school premises on 10th March 2018. The staff of the department, Dr.Santhosh Paul (Prof & Head), Dr. Umme Azher (Reader), & Dr. Divya Reddy (Reader) along with the postgraduate students and interns conducted the dental camp. A total of 34 children in the age group of 2 to 5 years accompanied by the parents participated in the camp. Oral health screening was performed for the children in the school premises. Also, the parents were addressed and Dr. Divya Reddy delivered a talk on the importance of maintaining good oral health and the methods to maintain it in children.