The Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry organized a Dental Health Screening Camp for children from Li’L Butterflies School, Kanakanagar, R.T. Nagar 560032, in the school premises on 10th March 2018. The staff of the department, Dr.Santhosh Paul (Prof & Head), Dr. Umme Azher (Reader), & Dr. Divya Reddy (Reader) along with the postgraduate students and interns conducted the dental camp. A total of 34 children in the age group of 2 to 5 years accompanied by the parents participated in the camp. Oral health screening was performed for the children in the school premises. Also, the parents were addressed and Dr. Divya Reddy delivered a talk on the importance of maintaining good oral health and the methods to maintain it in children.
Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital
News & Events
Dental Health Screening Camp for children
A dental quest was organized by Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Virajpet on the 27th and 28th of February. Ponnamma C.C, an intern, participated in this quest and presented a case on Plexiform Ameloblasoma which was diagnosed and operated in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences and Hospital. She won the third prize for the paper presentation.
PG Student from Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery won 2nd Prize in Paper Presentation
DR AKASH SHAJU, studying for MDS in the speciality of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at SRGCDS is awarded 2nd PRIZE in PAPER PRESENTATION during the 7th Annual Karnataka State Conference of AOMSI held at Mangalore, organised by the Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of India held on 28.08.2017.
PG student secured BEST ORAL PAPER prize at the 32nd IACDE and 25th IES National Conference 2017
Dr. Dilshad Cawas Motishaw, post graduate student of MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences secured the prize for the best Oral Paper Presentation on ‘A comparative evaluation of antibacterial activity and fluoride release of Glass Ionomer Cement and Cention N; an ‘alkasite’ restorative material- an in-vitro study held from 23rd to 26th November 2017 at GDCH, Ahmedabad.
SRGCDS Student won First prize in MCQ held by IDA, Karnataka
Dr.M.Deepa doing Internship at Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital has Won The First prize for MCQ test Conducted by Indian Dental Association Karnataka, in the subject of Conservative and Endodontics. She is given Dr.B.Subhas Chandra Shetty award. She has also scored First prize in Prosthodontics and given Dr.U.S.Krishna Nayak award. The MCQ was held for the year 2017 presented at the 45th Karnataka State Dental conference and the 4th Inter-State Dental Conference held at Davangere. Karnataka.
NAAC Acreedited
Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Bangalore is accredited by NAAC.
PG Student won 3rd Prize in Baptist Clinical Meet
Dr.Nida Ahmed, post graduate student from department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery has presented a paper titled ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY and won the 3rd prize in the Baptist Clinical Meet held in Bangalore Baptist Hospital on 8/03/2017.The contest was open to postgraduates from General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Community Medicine, Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine departments.
First place winner of Inter College tooth preparation competioton
We are proud to announce that on occasion of the endo and cons week intercollegiate competition on "tooth preparation on typhodonts ", conducted on 9th of march by KLE Dental College Bangalore, where 13 colleges participated and the best students in tooth preparation were taken part, our student Neil James of second year has secured first place in isthmus -2017, Inter college tooth preparation competition.
Dr. Sreelakshmi scored 6th Rank in the MDS Exam 2016
PG Student of Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, appeared in the MDS examination in June 2016 has scored 6th Rank in university for the speciality of Oral Medicine and Radiology. The faculties and management congratulate her for the achievement in the university exam.
Foreign students required to appear in NEET 2017
Foreign national students seeking admission to the BDS course during the year 2017 shall appear in the National Entrance cum Eligibility Test (NEET) conducted by the CBSE and shall qualify the same with the requisite percentile score as notified by the Dental Council of India.
The application for the NEET 2017 will be notified in the CBSE web portal which is expected by the third week of January 2017. Students are advised to keep checking and apply well on time in order to appear the Test.
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